Please contact the Polish Society for Horticultural Science.
Contact via the contact person by form.
To sign up for the Society, you may also contact
with the chairman of the specific Division.
Contact via the contact person by form.
To sign up for the Society, you may also contact
with the chairman of the specific Division.

29 Listopada 54, 31-425 Kraków, POLAND
Bank Pekao SA, Krakow Reginal Office Branch, Poland, IBAN PL81 1240 1431 1111 0000 1045 9430, SWIFT PKOPPLPWKRA
Taxpayer Identification Number: 945-15-81-736; Polish National Business Registry: 001262759
Bank Pekao SA, Krakow Reginal Office Branch, Poland, IBAN PL81 1240 1431 1111 0000 1045 9430, SWIFT PKOPPLPWKRA
Taxpayer Identification Number: 945-15-81-736; Polish National Business Registry: 001262759